You shouldn’t take any plumbing problem lightly. At Rol Air Plumbing & Heating, we have professionals that can fix leaky faucets or blocked drains as soon as you notice them. The plumbing issue might look small, but it could be a sign of a major underlying plumbing issue. Save yourself the trouble and costly replacements by calling for repairs as soon as you notice the following:
Moist Walls and Floors Adjacent to the Shower
If the floors and walls in your bathroom are moist, it could indicate a leaking shower or faulty shower pipes. A plumber in St. Michael, MN will conduct some tests and diagnose the problem to understand the cause of the moist walls and floors. It’s necessary to address the issue as soon as possible to avoid further complications.
Sudden Spike in Your Water Bills
If your water bill has suddenly increased, the culprit could be leaking pipes. The sudden spike in your water bills could be due to broken valves, running toilets, or loose water valves. A great way to avoid emergency plumbing situations such as this is by addressing water leaks early.
Slow Drains
Besides being annoying, slow drainages can signify a deeper problem with your pipes or drain. Slow drains indicate that your system has clogged. Some common causes of clogs may include debris, oil, food waste, and soap. It’s advisable to hire a plumbing company to clean your drains to avoid a bigger problem later.
Discolored Pipes
Most homeowners rarely pay attention to their pipes. If your pipes have changed color, it’s a sign that your pipes are starting to decay and corrode. In that case, you need plumbing services to replace old pipes and prevent major issues in the future.
Your home alerts you when there’s an issue with the pipes or drain. It’s important to schedule plumbing repairs promptly to avoid costly and extensive problems later on. Contact Rol Air Plumbing & Heating today to schedule an appointment. Feel free to call us or fill out the online form today.
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